Évaluez ici vos agences de recrutement sur la base de vos expériences avec leurs services. Votre avis aidera d'autres travailleurs à trouver le bon recruteur, celui qui respecte les droits des travailleurs. Votre avis compte vraiment !

Recruitment details

Recruitment Fees & Related Costs

I paid the following costs during the recruitment process

Pre-employment Orientation

I received the following information during the pre-employment orientation

Employment Contract

I received contract before starting employment
The employment contract was in a language I can understand
The employment contract contained clear information about

Working Conditions

My passport and other personal documents were taken by
I received the job I was promised
I received the salary I was promised
I could resign from employment freely with reasonable notice
There was a union of workers association I could join

Worker’s evaluation

I would use the same agency again
I would return to the same employer
I would return to/stay in the same country for my future job

