See this article for Indonesia

Berikut ini rincian legislasi nasional Korea selatan yang relevan yang berkaitan dengan buruh migran termasuk ketentuan-ketentuan yang mengatur perekrutan buruh migran dan tindakan-tindakan yang berlaku untuk perlindungan (seperti pelatihan pra keberangatan, skema asuransi, dsb):

Undang-undang mengenai Penempatan  Tenaga Kerja Asing, 2003; Mengatur tentang tenaga kerja asing di Korea. Diberlakukan kepada tenaga kerja asing dan bisnis ataupun tempat-tempat kerja yang mempekerjakan atau bermaksud mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing.Tidak berlaku untuk pelaut yang bekerja diatur oleh UU Pelaut. Terbagi kedalam 6 bagian.

Undang-undang Upah Minimum, 2009UU tersebut menentukan upah minimum, yang berlaku sama baik kepada warga berkebangssan Korea maupun kepada warga asing.

Undang-undang Standar Ketenagakerjaan, 1997UU tersebut berlaku sama baik kepada warga berkebangsaan Korea maupun asing.UU tersebut menentukan standar jam kerja, waktu proses pembayaran gaji, hak atas bayaran lembur, bekerja pada malam hari dan pada hari libur.

Undang-undang Pengendalian Imigrasi, 1993; Mengatur syarat-syarat untuk masuk dan keluar Korea bagi orang asing dan warga kebangsaan Korea.

Undang-undang Emigrasi, 1991; UU tersebut bertujuan memungkinkan emigrasi dan menetapkan sebuah Komite Pertimbangan untuk Kebijakan-Kebijakan Emigrasi Keluar Negeri. Mengatur bahwa agen-agen untuk emigrasi  harus dilisensikan atas syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan dalam Kepetusan Presiden. Pelanggaran terhadap UU dikenakan sanksi kriminal.


See below updated content - 7 April 2022.

The following  details relevant national legislation of relevance for migrant workers including provisions regulating the recruitment of migrant workers and measures in place for protection (such as pre-departure training, insurance schemes etc.):


  • Act On The Employment Of Foreign Workers (2003, revised 2019) ; Regulates employment of foreign workers in Korea. Applies to foreign workers and businesses or workplaces which employ or intend to employ foreign workers. Does not apply to seamen whose work is governed by Seamen Act. Divided into 6 parts. In particular, this law stipulates insurance for protecting foreign workers.
  • A detailed explanation of the insurance policies stipulated in this Act:
  • In addition to the four insurances presented in "Act On The Employment Of Foreign Workers", employment insurance, industrial accident insurance, health insurance, and national pension must be joined.  More info:>’고용허가제’>’각종보험 및 가입혜택’.


a) Employment Insurance Act (2007, revised 2021)

Workers can join if they wish to. It is not an obligation. However, workers with specific visas are not allowed to join. Workers and employers pay insurance costs.


b) Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (2007, revised 2020)

Obligation for the employer. Employers must join this insurance. Employers pay insurance costs. Workers can be compensated for medical expenses by this insurance.

*Occupational Safety And Health Act (2019, revised 2020)


c)National Health Insurance Act (2011, revised 2021)

Workers must join this insurance. Workers and employers pay insurance costs.


d)National Pension Act (1986, revised 2020)

Applicable to foreigners from specific countries. Both the employer and the worker must pay.

More info:



  • Minimum Wage Act, 2009 (revised 2018);  The Act defines the minimum wage, which equally applies to nationals of the Republic of Korea as well as foreigners.
  • Labor Standards Act, 1997(revised 2021); The Act equally applies to nationals of the Republic of Korea as well as foreigners. The Act defines the standard working hours, timing process of salary payment, right to overtime payment, working at night and on holidays.


More info:

Korean Law Information Center:

English-translated law: