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Sign a fair employment contract!

It is important to ensure that you have a written contract of your employment. If you are a domestic work, ensure you have received the standard contract instituted in October 2017. Before signing, read your contract carefully. Do not sign a contract that you do not understand or agree with, and discuss and negotiate the terms of your contract with your employer. You should always keep a copy of the signed contract with you. Importantly, do not engage in any work without a valid work permit issued in your name. You should also not work for any other employer or at any other work premises than the one outlined by your work permit/employment contract.

Inform yourself!

The online portal of Bahrain’s Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) provides a range of information points for foreign employees before leaving their origin country as well as when arriving in Bahrain. A list of authorized health centres for the required medical examination is also provided. Services offered include the “Expat Portal” where you can check the validity of your work permit as well as the “Absent Reported Lookup” where you can check if your employer has reported you absent from work. A useful information guide is also available in twelve languages. For questions, you may reach out to the LMRA by calling 17506055.

Register your complaints!

Always keep a record of useful government and union contacts in case you encounter recruitment or employment problems. You may file labour complaints at the Grievances’ Unit Counter at LMRA Expatriate Services and Protection Centre within two years and thirty days of the labour contract issuance. Any breaches of contract (such as unpaid wages) should be reported to the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.

Know your rights!

Find out more about labour laws and rights for migrant workers in Bahrain. As a migrant worker in Bahrain, you have the right to change employers, find a new job after the end of your employment contact, receive your full salary as outlined in your employment contract, as well as maintain possession of your own passport. If you fully agree with giving your passport to your employer for safekeeping, make sure that you have an acknowledgement of receipt.

Other useful information