Ulasan pekerja

5 review(s)
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Kondisi kerja
Penilaian oleh pekerja
Ulas agen ini
Reviewed by
Maret 2023
One of the plates of the machine fell on my face while I was doing my duty. My forehead and nose were damaged. They put 4 stitches in my forehead. The agency said I had health care coverage. But they didn't even give me money to put medicine on my wound.
Reviewed by
Agustus 2022
Paid for Dana agency. But had to wait long time to go abroad. I Went to agency and shouted at him. Later he prepared visa. He said they will pay Riyal 1000/=, but I got only Riyal 600/= only. For 2nd year they did not prepared Ekama. Police caught us several times. Then I went to embassy and came back to Sri Lanka. 1st time 1989 I went to Qatar through Horizen agency. They cheated to people.
Reviewed by
Agustus 2022
This is my 2nd journey to Saudi Arabia. Destination country and people were good. Agency also good. After 2 years they increased my salary. When contract finished I came to Sri Lanka and re migrate to same place through the ticket given by my employer. I worked 4 years and returned to Sri Lanka without any problem. But I went Saudi Arabia 1994. It was very bad time. I got sick, (headache) Air Conditioner was allergic to me. After 3 months they prepared the ticket with my 3 months salary and send me to Sri Lanka.
Reviewed by
April 2022
First I worked in Qatar. Then worked in Kuwait. In Qatar we didn't get peio water and worked hard. No over time or bata. But they trained us well. Kuwait is good. No problems. But they counted over time less than done. They paid salary increment 5% in 2016 only. All together I worked 13 years in Middle East.
Reviewed by
November 2021
they didnot paid my 6 months salary

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Recruitment details

Recruitment Fees & Related Costs

Saya membayar biaya-biaya berikut selama proses rekrutmen

Pre-employment Orientation

I received the following information during the pre-employment orientation

Employment Contract

I received contract before starting employment
The employment contract was in a language I can understand
The employment contract contained clear information about

Working Conditions

My passport and other personal documents were taken by
I received the job I was promised
I received the salary I was promised
I could resign from employment freely with reasonable notice
There was a union of workers association I could join

Worker’s evaluation

I would use the same agency again
I would return to the same employer
I would return to/stay in the same country for my future job

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